Internal Quality Assurance System (IQAS)

The University of Lleida has designed an Internal Quality Assurance System for degrees (SGIQ) that has been certified by AQU Catalonia. The SGIQ guarantees that a degree is managed according to a set of established procedures that are continuously reviewed to identify aspects that can be improved. Each UdL faculty and school has its own SGIQ, but many of their procedures are common throughout the university.

IQUAS implementation at the School of Agrifood and Forestry Engineering and Veterinary Medicine was certified by AQU Catalunya on May 17th 2023.

IQAS Certification

The Internal Quality Assurance System of the School of Agrifood and Forestry Engineering and Veterinary Medicine is included in:

SGIQ process map

Relevant links:

Responsible persons

Quality Committee

Jaume Arnó, Head of Quality Studies and Coordination.

Esther Serra, Quality Manager and Management Support.
Office: 1st floor, direction building (palauet)
973 70 2503