- Master's Degree in Agronomical Engineering
- Master’s Degree in Soil and Water Management (Biennial)
- Master's Degree in Management and Innovation in the Food Industry
- Master’s Degree in Plant Breeding (to be cancelled)
- Master's Degree in Integrated Pest Management
- Master's Degree in Swine Health and Production
- Master’s Degree in Temperate Zone Fruits (to be cancelled)
Master's Degree in Agronomical Engineering
The Master's Degree in Agronomical Engineering trains technicians for the agri-food sector, who are qualified to carry out the profession of Agricultural Engineer. The graduates’ professional profile enables them to get jobs in the agri-food field with a high capacity for management, planning, design, project, innovation and research. The training in these competencies is complemented by a scientific and technical intensification in one of the agri-food specialization fields (Plant or animal production, Agri-food industry, Rural engineering, Environmental management, Agricultural economics).
Master’s Degree in Soil and Water Management (Biennial)
The Master's Degree in Soil and Water Management began in the academic year 2008/09, organised by the University of Lleida (coordinator), the University of Barcelona, the Autonomous University of Barcelona and the University of Navarra. The course is structured according to the guidelines and recommendations arising from the European Higher Education Area (EHEA). The adaptation to the EHEA (Bologna) is facilitated by the experience gained during previous years of collaboration with these universities in the frame of doctoral studies.
This Master’s offers a multidisciplinary training in the field of earth sciences, particularly in hydrology and soil science applied to the sustainable use of natural resources, both in agricultural and forest environments, and in the conservation of the quality and quantity water and soil resources.
Master's Degree in Management and Innovation in the Food Industry
With this master's degree, it is intended to train graduates in an eminently technical aspect and closely linked to the reality of the sector, and therefore it is considered as a professional master. These professionals must be competent as managers of the quality and the proper functioning of the industry, at the same time they should know how to energize the most innovative part of the company in a strongly competitive environment.
Màster en Genètica, Genòmica i Millora Vegetal (CIHEAM Zaragoza)
La millora vegetal té un paper fonamental en l'augment del rendiment i la qualitat dels cultius, desenvolupant varietats adaptades a diferents condicions ambientals, amb millor aprofitament d'insums i integrades en sistemes agraris viables ambientalment i socioeconòmicament. Aquesta disciplina ha evolucionat fins a convertir-se en una ciència complexa, que integra als mètodes clàssics noves eines genètiques, genòmiques, moleculars, cel·lulars i informàtiques. Per això, cal formar joves professionals perquè puguin superar els futurs reptes de l'agricultura.
Master’s Degree in Plant Breeding (to be cancelled)
This Master’s is designed to train professionals in the area of plant breeding, enabling them to develop new varieties that are adapted to different environmental conditions, making a better use of inputs and integrating them in environmentally and economically viable agricultural systems. This Master’s benefits from tools of molecular biology, cell biology, genomics, biotechnology and bioinformatics in order to improve classical breeding programmes.
The specialization profile of this degree enables students to undertake technical responsibilities in this domain as well as to perform high-level scientific research. The working scope of this Master's graduates focuses on plant and seed companies, plant biotechnology enterprises, public agencies for seed quality control and variety certification, research and education.
Master's Degree in Integrated Pest Management
Crop yield heavily depends, both in quantity and in quality, on arthropod pest, disease and weed incidence. Many references report losses of potential yield from 25 to 50 %. To decrease these losses, using economically feasible, technically efficient, ecologically sound and socially acceptable methods, is the aim of Integrated Pest Management. Agriculture needs, then, crop protection specialists with the necessary technical and theoretical skills for employment within the modern crop protection industry, or within academia.
Pesticides are still the main tool used in Crop Protection, even in the most developed countries. It is well know that the indiscriminate use of pesticides is, jointly with fertilizers, the most important source of chemical pollution in agriculture. As a consequence, the decrease and rationalization of their use, and the development of other control methods are among the main objectives of the national and international research funding agencies
Master's Degree in Swine Health and Production
The objective of this master's degree is to train technicians who contribute to the chain of pig production, at the basis of an efficient production system (at a technical and economic level) using respectful production techniques with the environment and animal welfare standards.
Among the training objectives are: analysing and diagnosing facilities, housing and equipment necessary for pig production; performing audits on animal welfare conditions; planning feeding programmes; carrying out the diagnosis and evaluation of technical, economic and health management data; planning disease prevention and eradication and designing and evaluating epidemiological studies.
Interuniversity Master’s programme with the Autonomous University of Barcelona, University of Zaragoza and Universidad Computense de Madrid.
Master’s Degree in Temperate Zone Fruits (to be cancelled)
The objective of this Master's Degree is to respond to the need for a comprehensive and integral training of professionals of a leading activity within the agri-food sector, with a value chain of great complexity. This master's degree fully converges with the synergies of the dynamic productive environment of the Ebro Valley fruit pole.
- Master's Degree in Forestry Engineering
- Erasmus Mundus MSc in Spatial and Ecological Modelling in European Forestry
- Erasmus Mundus MSc MedFor - Mediterranean Forestry and Natural Resources Management
- Master's Degree in Wildland Fire Science and Integrative Management (masterFUEGO)
Master’s Degree in Temperate Zone Fruits
The Master's Degree in Forest Engineering trains professionals for the management, design and innovation of the rural forest environment. Students specialize in the management of renewable natural resources (mainly vegetation, fauna and landscape) and, therefore, in the design and execution of activities aimed at their management, exploitation, industrial transformation, conservation and restoration. This Master’s qualifies for the professional practise of Forest Engineer as established in Order CIN / 326/2009.
Erasmus Mundus MSc in Spatial and Ecological Modelling in European Forestry
A joint course-based accredited Erasmus+: Erasmus Mundus MSc programme run by six renowned European universities.
MSc European Forestry (MSc EF) is a top class taught Erasmus+: Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree Programme (EMJMD) in the field of forest sciences and is one of the first EMJMD programmes that has been accredited according to the European approach for quality assurance of the joint programmes. The quality of our programme is also acknowledged by the European Commission, which awarded the MSc European Forestry Erasmus Mundus status for years 2004–2014 and for years 2016–2019 and 2019-2023.
Interuniversity with:
- University of Eastern Finland (coordinadora)
- AgroParisTech, France.
- University of Freiburg, Germany.
- University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna, Austria.
- Transilvania University of Brasov, Romania.
Erasmus Mundus MSc MedFor - Mediterranean Forestry and Natural Resources Management
MEDfOR is a two-year world-class International Master Programme focuses on the integrating theme of sustainability in Mediterranean forests and woodlands, which cover over 9 % of the Mediterranean region’s land area, to address topics that are specific to the Mediterranean forestry and that require special attention such as: forest as a unique world heritage, forest management and conservation and forestry role in the welfare of the Mediterranean communities.
Master's Degree in Wildland Fire Science and Integrative Management (masterFUEGO)
The official MSc in Wildland Fire Science and Integrative Management is taught jointly by the University of Lleida (Coordinating partner), the University of Cordoba and the University of León.
This MSc’s aim is to contribute to train highly qualified professionals to meet the social demand for the emergency management in wildland fires. The management of wildland fire defence programmes, and firefighting activities is closely related to the application of the emergency command system (SMEIF).