Director's Greetings

Jordi Graell DirectorJordi Graell
Director of the School of Agrifood and Forestry Engineering and Veterinary Medicine (ETSEAFIV)

As the director of the School of Agrifood and Forestry Engineering and Veterinary Medicine (ETSEAFIV), of the University of Lleida (UdL), it is a real pleasure to give you my warmest welcome to our website.

In this web you will find the most relevant information of our institution: all the academic information about the Bachelor’s and Master’s Degrees taught on Campus, our Doctorate programs, information about research and knowledge transfer and, of course, all the activities developed within our School on a daily basis.

I would like you to know that our campus started operating in 1972, some 47 years ago. The fact that it was located in a strategic location and its dimension allowed its steady expansion and improvement until the School we have at present (a property of 12.5 has, with 10 teaching and research buildings, as well as experimental facilities such as experimental fields and greenhouses). Over time, and thanks to the work of many people, it has become the main Agri-food, Forestry and Veterinary Campus of Catalonia and one of the most significant and prestigious in Europe, which has recently included the fields of Veterinary and Animal Production. Our School has been able to support itself in a balanced manner on the three basic pillars at the basis of any university committed to the territory and its progress: teaching, research and innovation, and the transfer of knowledge to the productive sector. Currently, our efforts focus on achieving and promoting a dynamic, modern, 21st Century campus, fully committed to the harmonic development of society through the generation of knowledge and the holistic training of our students.

I invite you to participate actively in the university life of our Campus. I hope that you can find all the information you need about our Center on this web and, of course, do not hesitate to contact us with your questions and suggestions.

Thank you very much and, once again, be welcome.


Jordi Graell

Director of the School of Agrifood and Forestry Engineering and Veterinary Medicine (ETSEAFIV)